Digital Publications
This page allows us to make available both articles and books for use in teaching and research projects. For articles, we are utilizing the Thought-mesh software.
The first three books below were originally published by Deakin University Press in Australia more than twenty five years ago. The series, edited by D. W. Chambers, instantiate the philosophical underpinnings that inform the Indigenous Knowledge Commons approach to the study of Indigenous Knowledge and Culture.
Singing the Land, Signing the Land,
The following articles utilize the ThoughtMesh website for publishing scholarly papers online. It gives readers a tag-based navigation system that uses keywords to inter-connect essays on many subjects.
David Turnbull, "Working with Incommensurable Knowledge Traditions"
David Wade Chambers, "Three Knowledge Spaces"
Robin Boast, "Open Objects Initiative: A Critique of Openness"
Jon Ippolito, "Whose Tool Is This Anyway? Art and Creative Misuse"